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Posted by on December 22, 2019

In the case of real estate, a sailor can enter the query: apartments for sale in Cali; If we have our website well optimized and with those keywords within your programming and design, there are likely to appear on the first results for that query. If we are doing an advertising pay per click (PPC) campaign and have an ad sponsored with those same words; so if many there are more likely to show us in early results. Depending on the optimization of the announcement.To find us on the first results, also increase the odds that the Navigator click on our ad and we will only pay if there is indeed click…These campaigns must be nicely optimized and mounted strategically with keyword for each advertisement. The price for each word depends on the competition and offer that you have at that time by the word; This price is set by auction, and one can choose the maximum value you are willing to pay for it. You can also set a daily budget of investment; the better optimized this campaign, more number of clicks we can obtain with the same budget. Also you can have permanent control over campaigns and make changes when we create relevant, as for example modify the texts of announcements, schedules and distribution regions, optimize the pages aterrizage and much more.

As you can see this is a tactic of internet marketing that allows us a start fast and very manajable. It is important to emphasize that if we have not enough knowledge to do so; It is very convenient to hire the services of a professional with experience so that costs do not rise. To maintain closer contact with customers we can avail ourselves of the E-MAIL MARKETING strategy. This allows for example create two lists: those who are about to buy and those who already bought. You can program each sending messages different according to their interests.

It can be sent to those who have not purchased an email with pictures or videos of properties that correspond to what you are looking for. This will allow the customer previously decide whom you want to visit and avoid having to take it to all available properties but which do not conform to your search.To generate more confidence in the prospect can add testimonials in video or photographs of customers who express how satisfied and thankful they are with the services and care that we have given them. It is can send to those who have purchased such a thank you message on an anniversary since the purchase of the property.If you are a customer with investor profile you can send a report with new projects in the city and investment opportunities. These are just a few ideas of what can be done with E-MAIL MARKETING, surely you will them will occur many more. see you soon.

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