There are three great moments in their development: the first is the uniform vision of intelligence that emerges at the beginning of the S-XX with the test known as IQ (IQ); the second is that of the theory of multiple intelligences that generalizes in the last 20 years of the last century; the third moment is spiritual intelligence that is developing in this 21st century. And that is the ability to control the feelings, stay calm and dominate the impulsivity. Now, the main characteristics of the spiritual intelligence are based among others, in the following capacities: be happy despite the circumstances, confront and overcome suffering, ethical conduct, learning to be, the whole holistic integration. There are five areas of human experience that applies the spiritual intelligence: education, politics, the environment, business and in our inner spiritual journey. Equally recognize you three dimensions: the process of self-knowledge, ethical spiritual experience and wisdom. Allows us also to know the truth of our original nature which is: verdad-felicidad – awareness, enables us to perform straight effort toward the spiritual path that consists of a triple training that we must submit to us: moral development, care and development of wisdom, and finally allows us to balance love and intelligence.
Thus, spiritual intelligence, its development requires a comprehensive practice. Emotional intelligence, the intellectual and spiritual confirm the basic trilogy’s vision holistic which are: mind-body – spirit. For all the above we can say that in terms of education, we currently require a paradigm shift which exceeds traditional education which has been practicing and that this change is the holistic education in where it comes to the students as human beings in this process of awakening of the own intelligence spiritual, nurturing the best of themselves. This motivates us to build an integral education, doing it from the level of spirituality, taking as a base the model multinivel-multidimension with a level of awareness to discern between basics and superior building an image global and integral education and thus achieve higher levels of consciousness.