As an example of the success that can be achieved with a well-crafted article and well positioned, you can see that in this directory (Articuloz), the most widely read article today is titled Ideas for decorating children’s parties. This article has achieved nearly 400,000 visits in its first 34 months of publication, which means an average of 11,700 monthly visits, which means having had almost 400 visitors a day. As a curiosity, this article has been published by 11811 enterprise which is a company that provides telephone information services via this telephone number. We already focus on the last sector where you can get traffic to your blog, it would be which can be reached through a search in any of network search engines, and this should know that in Spain Google it captures nearly all of the searches carried out, reaching assume 99% in the years 2008 and 2009a figure that even Google executives surprised them. Therefore, if you want to get visitors from Spain arriving at your blog via a search engine, the best thing is that centres your efforts on Google, and optimize your blog for search engine position in a good place when presenting the results, and to achieve this you must take into account that Google values very positively, when it comes to position a site, external links that are on other websites towards him, but keep in mind that have arisen many policies in the network that offer payment links, and that Google is protecting their business trying to locate these practices considered unethical penalizing sites that employ them, which could cause you loss of natural ranking of your blog if you use them. To better understand the business of Google scheme you can read internet business, which explains the business model that has developed tools that offers users free of charge so that we can better understand the philosophy that follows the search and Google. Original author and source of the article.
Spain Google
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