The door of entrance of the conquerors in the continents not yet colonized occurred for the sea, and also it was for the sea that the great commercial routes if had established, being from the ports that if had initiated the Inter-relations between peoples of the diverse continents. ' ' colonizao' ' of our country, also it has beginning for the coastal zone following thus the rule generates. An important fact in the history of the occupation of the coastal regions of Brazil is proceeding from archaeological data that had registered the presence of diverse sambaquis next to the north to the Island of Santa Catarina, what test that has about 7.000 years the coastal areas already were used as a pledge of survival fact this that also serves of base to explain the presence of great urban centers in the areas next the shorelines. Valley still to point out that great the occupation human beings had also occurred in the edges of the rivers, since it was for them that the penetration occurred for interior of the continents. Still with regard to occupation of littoral zone it strengthens the Lacerda idea (1999), when it affirms that: ' ' The populations of the countries tropical they had tended if to concentrate, throughout history, ace edges of rivers and throughout the coast, as much to facilitate the access to the interior as to assure the draining and exportation of its products. The localization of the protecting manguezais in area of the coasts, as estuaries, bays and lagoons, coincides with the areas of bigger interest for the communities human beings, a time who are most beneficial for the installation of industrial complexes, port and for the tourist-real estate expansion. Unhappyly, this has led throughout the time, to the eradication of the manguezais to a large extent of the whole world coasts.