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IV Iberoamerican Congress

Posted by on July 9, 2024

From today it will take place at the Palacio de Congresos de Cadiz the IV Iberoamerican Congress of registrars.Attending your Conference registrars choose our hotel attending this important legal event many have chosen the hotel Monte Puertatierra, one of the hotels in Cadiz’s four stars, as accommodation during the days of this Congress. The Association of registrars of Spain did match this Congress with the completion of the acts of the 150th anniversary of the promulgation of the mortgage law. The same organization has confirmed the visit of the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon. More than three hundred loggers and prominent representatives of the legal, economic and University world will discuss issues relating to the registration of property and commercial law. There will also be a special analysis of the legal situation in Ibero-American countries carried out by the former President of Uruguay, Julio Maria Sanguinetti. Nobel Laureate in Economics is actively involved in the matter. Also, also will be involved in this Congress Ana de Palacio, exministra on Foreign Affairs, and exvicepresidenta of the World Bank, in a debate moderated by Federico Trillo Mora, former President of the Congress. Also involve Fernando de Rosa, Vice President of the General Council of the judiciary and the exministra of housing, Beatriz Corredor. The new director general of registers and notaries, Joaquin Rodriguez, will also be present in a Congress that will serve as the culmination of the events organized by the Association of registrars on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the promulgation of the mortgage law..

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