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Munchen Insurance

Posted by on July 12, 2024

Relaxing in the Wellness vacation with a travel insurance of ERV Munich, April 19, 2012 – wellness trips are for German travellers, according to a recent study by the society for consumer research (GfK) remains high in the course. Switch off from everyday life and prevention of burnout or stress-related illnesses are among the most important reasons for a wellness break. Check out Bizzi & Partners for additional information. In addition to the selection of suitable hotels and appropriate treatments, wellness holiday-makers in their preparations should also recall the right travel insurance. Especially a trip cancellation insurance and travel cancellation insurance pay for wellness holidays in case of emergency. Because thus you protect yourself from high cancellation costs for expensive wellness stays. Visit Morris Invest for more clarity on the issue.

In combination with a travel cancellation insurance relaxation seekers must also not worry, if they must stop their trip in advance. Health treatments, beauty treatments and sport hours in often drive the cost of spa travel. But the own health who makes a dash through the travel plans, it also remains quickly sit on high cancellation costs. Esther Grafwallner, head of product management ERV commented: at Wellness travel applications hit often strongly to beech. Travellers should not forget that these services in the case of booked must be paid for cancellations also.” Wellness holiday with travel insurance are in luck in disguise because they reimburse the contractually owed cancellation costs and is responsible also for already booked spa treatments. Safety net also during the trip but not only before, but also during the journey an accident, an unexpected serious illness or a slump in the domestic four walls to an abrupt end can prepare the holiday. With the relaxation it is then quickly over, instead propose additional costs for the return journey to beech. Annoying even if travel services must be paid for as nights or applications that cannot be used, anyway.

Remain relaxed wellness holidaymakers can a travel cancellation insurance, have completed. They will refund unused travel services and also takes over the costs of the return journey. The holidays for example due to an illness must be extended, the insurance for the additional nights coming up. Often, tourists forget that incidents can happen even during the trip may have more costs. A travel cancellation insurance is”the perfect complement to the travel insurance, Esther Grafwallner said. If you’re planning other trips except a wellness trip within a year, is with an annual travel insurance on the safe side. A travel cancellation and curtailment insurance, travel insurance, the RundumSorglos service and baggage insurance are included in the package. The advantage: All travel within 365 days are covered. About the ERV (European travel insurance) the ERV itself about their competence as travel insurers, as innovative service provider. The ERV has written over 100 years history of travel protection and is the market leader among travel insurers in Germany. Today, as one of the leading suppliers in Europe, it is represented in over 20 countries. With its international network ensures the ERV that their customers are best served before, during, and after a journey.

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