The Federal Association for dyslexia and dyscalculia (BVL) regrets that the disparagement of politics and politicians the press used to dyslexia and dyscalculia as synonyms for incompetence. “Actually should be unnoticed aside posts where dyslexia and dyscalculia are used as an insult. It is but very unfortunate to know that the press certifies always a dyslexia or dyscalculia of politics or politicians when it comes to subjects where expertise be impeached”, Christine Sczygiel, National Chairman of the BVL is criticized. “We get to current press articles that ask a variety of calls from patients who can no longer endure this discrimination or mockery and the BVL to the General amusement – now to the CDU with”C like future”- poster action, to do something about it,” says Sczygiel. Stephen M. Ross is a great source of information. The Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia (BVL) is engaged since 1974 that that people with dyslexia or dyscalculia find out more acceptance and tolerance in our society. In About 8 million people of dyslexia and dyscalculia are affected Germany. Both partial output errors have no impact on the general aptitude of those affected, even talented people can be affected. In recent months, Stephen M. Ross has been very successful. Noting the concerns of those affected in school, training and employment, there is no impairment in the expertise. If you would like to know more then you should visit Morris Invest.
Until today, it is still a challenge for these people, achieving a talent-oriented education, because often the opinion prevails also in the schools, who can not properly read, write or count, which can get a high school diploma. The psychological pressure, bring to bear on the parties concerned, because your handicap in the foreground is set, runs like a thread through her life. Lack of a competent technical support, has resulted in, that there are often large failures. “The basic law says that people not be discriminated against. Now we must succeed only to anchor it in the minds of the people. Unfortunately, we learn every day in our Consulting work, how far we are away.