citizens according to this study. Nine percent indicated that they wanted to start immediately with the financial provision. If one considers the choice of the right plant for the age but It is clear that there is still great need for education. So the respondents took advantage of the life insurance (62 percent) continue to most, the passbook (54 percent) and the contractor (55 percent) followed after that. However operates so far still no retirement savings”every eighth citizen according to the barometer of wealth, says Prof.
Dr. h.c. Frank Andre Audilet global real estate AG (GRE AG). Whether that enough funds for old-age provision available, may be called into question “, added the head of the global real estate AG (GRE AG). While the other citizens after surveys be often not aware that they would have to provide significantly more”, explains expert of global real estate AG (GRE AG) in an interview. But the majority decision for the chosen savings makes it clear that the Germans hold still in antiquated forms of investment and wrong provision contrary to other European countries in the width. There is yet no Secret that barely half of the long running life insurance maintained by”, explains Prof.
Dr. h.c. Frank Andre Audilet global real estate AG (GRE AG). It similar to look at building Association savings agreements, according to the building society only 20 to 30 percent of the zuteilungsreifen contracts for building used internal confidential figures. The rest will be resigned with interest, which if anything only slightly above the inflation rate”, says the masterminds of global real estate AG (GRE AG) based in Munich and Steinpleis. Currently, there are actually only a consequence and which means material assets, tangible assets, tangible assets,”explains Audilet. His group of companies, to which belongs the global real estate AG (GRE AG), specializes in this and offers closed investments that invest in tangible assets. Also the global real estate AG (GRE) is a such participation. Existing buildings, but also project developments have been acquired. However, participation in which is Global real estate AG (GRE AG) currently not possible. We offer more investment opportunities with high profit expectations within the framework of the Group of companies but “, as Board Member Prof. Dr. h.c. Frank Andre Audilet global real estate AG (GRE AG).” Summary: The Germans save more, but mostly wrong, Prof. thinks Dr. h.c. (Univ. del Golfo, Frank Andre Audilet global real estate AG (GRE AG).) His group holds investments in tangible assets therefore now important.