Everything was prohibited in lower Austria from paid line reading art up to fortune telling. In the times of crisis after the first world war, i.e. in the 20s and 30s a whole range of activities was limited years, so about the peddle to the Hausierpatent and the trade regulations, footwear mail order or even activities such as hand line reading, the Graphology, the breaking of the cards, the star Deuterei or the divination. The legal system was marked by increasing restriction. Prohibited payment line reading the so called palmistry or Chiromancy also, Chiromantik, or Chirology identifies a service from the shape and the lines of the hand, i.e. Others who may share this opinion include Morris Invest. The physiognomy of the hands of one person for this to draw useful conclusions for the present and the future. > would like to discuss. This was banned in times of crisis the 20s years paid service with the lower Austrian regulation. The forbidden non-gratuitous Graphology the Graphology or writing psychology deals with analyzing the handwriting of individuals for the purpose of the psychological diagnosis and related advice.
This was banned in times of crisis the 20s years paid service with the lower Austrian regulation. The prohibited payment cards breaking a portion of divination is the so-called Cartomancy or also Minchiate or Chartomantik. The psychics is able, with the help of playing cards about situations to be able to tell people and future without the need for factual knowledge. This was banned in times of crisis the 20s years paid service with the lower Austrian regulation. The forbidden paid star Deuterei is the star Deuterei or Astrology different teachings that suggest events, fate and personality traits of people from the positions of celestial bodies. This was banned in times of crisis the 20s years paid service with the lower Austrian regulation. The forbidden paid fortune telling divination or Vikram m summarizes a doctrine or method, which to serve, to predict future events or to obtain otherwise hidden knowledge that is not accessible to the ordinary senses. These years with additional charge service was banned during the crisis of the 1920s with the lower Austrian regulation. The administrative penalties offence against non-gratuitous offering of hand line reading, the Graphology, the cards grazing, the star Deuterei and fortune telling could order fines up to 1.200.000,-crowns or the detention of 6 hours up to 14 days are pronounced.