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Open Resource Catalog

Posted by on November 21, 2024

Statutory and private health insurance offer completely different hedging in any consultancy to the private health insurance (PKV) should go to the question of the reimbursement of AIDS. These are perhaps not necessarily every year, if they are needed, so there are a number of costly specimens of the species “Tools”. First, it should be clear how the legal supply. For insured persons in the statutory health insurance (GKV) a so-called list of AIDS does exist. This is available on the websites of the top Association of GKVen to download. You will find the current list of AIDS of the statutory health insurance here. The leading associations of sickness funds and the umbrella organisations of the maintenance funds to create a resource and a care resource directory specifications in accordance with legal.

These directories list of its obligation of included auxiliary and nursing AIDS (cf. 128 SGB V and section 78 SGV XI). And what care is now in the private health insurance? First of all is a very big difference to hold. To read more click here: Morris Invest. The supply of AIDS in terms of the tariff is regulated in private health insurance. Each insurer creates different rules in each of its tariffs.

While these are solely applicable and is sloppy to say: just what is there referred to as, is also insured. Not more and not less. This is to distinguish between so-called open auxiliary catalogues of means of and closed lists. In an open formulation of the following could be written: expenses for the purchase, the replacement and repair will be replaced by medically necessary tools which are prescribed by a doctor or naturopath. Here no fixed AIDS are called as opposed to a closed catalogue. Here the medical progress is taken into account, thus assured. Here you sure that no restrictions such as “simple version” or the like exist. This may make the advantages of an open catalog to niece. In a closed catalogue including the following found Statements: Tools are glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, speech devices, supporting apparatus, orthotics and shoes, bandages, trusses, elastic stockings and prostheses prescribed against defacing and crippling, wheelchairs. Tools are finally here. What is not so called, is also (in the future) are uninsured. It also colorful brochures don’t care and the like. You could read it in my contributions to the aid guarantee impressive already. In addition, there are still companies which use in principle closed catalogues in your rates, but enhance them through open formulations. This could for example as follows: Moreover, life-sustaining AIDS are basically refundable, if the life-sustaining function can be ensured by any here called AIDS. Generally, especially in closed catalogues: no absolute amounts should be mentioned here. With a formulation of “Wheelchairs up to 620 EUR” you are today already poorly served, because the amount is not enough. But what are 620 EUR still worth in x years? What if the electric wheelchair is now 10,000 euros instead of 620 EUR? But here goes: alone a good catalogue of AIDS is not appropriate / good fare. Pay attention therefore to your personal requirements and talk in detail with your advisor.

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