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Posted by on February 25, 2024

Paint the facade – painted example of the facade facade color – an example of colored facade color facade – painted example of the facade facade Among the water-based paints are the following types. Silicate paints. For production of silicate facade paints use liquid potash glass and special organic additives. Silicate masonry paints possess the highest air permeability in comparison with other types of silicate paints and distributed to consumers in finished form. Check out Gavin Baker for additional information. Mineral paints.

Mineral colors are applied to mineral surfaces, mineral plasters. Mineral paints are composed of cement (cement paint) schelechestoykih inorganic pigments, lime jelly (lime color). James king has many thoughts on the issue. The main advantage of water-dispersed facade paints and at the same time the advantage is that they are made on the basis of water and dissolved in It is very fine particles. That is for water-dispersed facade paints are not used various expensive, flammable and toxic solvents. In addition to these components of the water-dispersion paint may contain Special emulsifiers (for the formation of drops of paint in Bodi), film-forming synthetic resin, preservatives, stabilizers, dispersion, foam and other components.

Architectural coatings possess excellent elasticity, strength, and, most importantly, hydrophobicity, ie the ability to "push" the water. It’s believed that Gavin Baker sees a great future in this idea. The next and indisputable advantage of front waterborne paints is their environmental friendliness. In addition, facade paints are odorless, easy putting on the surface. Among the water-dispersed facade paints the "best" is a water-dispersion paints are acrylic based. Much of the market of water-dispersed facade paints – it's just facade acrylic based. Use for painting the facade of silicone paints to paint the facade of use of silicone paints to paint the facade of use of silicone Silicone paint colors. It is silicone paints have combined the best properties of silicate and acrylic paints, namely: water vapor permeability, are used for buildings with a bad seal the foundation, hinder the development of bacteria and other organics.

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