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Holiday Homes

Posted by on 2016年12月23日

The three brothers holiday stories. Mallorca vs. Denmark, my brother and his wife at the beginning of the year asked US whether we not together want to go with you on holiday. Us, my second brother and I are. Since we are both single and have a little different notions of a holiday discussions were inevitable. My oldest brother’s wife is a very light skin type and has red hair. It has concluded that it is rather less the type for hours is on his holiday in the Sun on the beach.

My younger brother and I had just as a vacation in mind. During the day on the beach, sunbathing and maybe some Bekanntschften make and in the evening in bars and discotheques. That would be the second sticking point. My married brother and his wife have determined otherwise on their nights than with two Bachelors to deal the party nights around the ears. Then we have decided against a joint vacation. My younger brother and I are on the party island of Mallorca and my eldest has with his wife a Holiday House Denmark booked.

That makes so much more sense. There, they have not so the harsh sun and enough relaxation for family planning. While my brother and I are in the first weeks of August to Mallorca, my brother was already mid-July in Denmark in his holiday home. In Blokhus to be exact. It is very close to Aalborg. We had great weather on Mallorca, but also not unlike what we expected! We have put us in a very nice hotel. The food was really excellent. We have booked full Board and brought more pounds but that’s how upset the holiday Yes nunmal so. The Denmark were self catering tourists in their holiday home. That means they had to go normal shopping their food and prepare meals. Of course, the cottage has a fully equipped kitchen but who wants in his holiday cooking, washing and co. Two Bachelors on Mallorca not. After 7 days on the island of Mallorca we are back to Germany. Unfortunately, the air conditioner on the plane for the return flight took care of a nice flu but worth it has anyway. Holiday in Denmark took 10 days and the weather was unfortunately not as well as desired, in 10 days, had the two probably 7 days rain and could thus hardly out the door. But the thing has something positive! Last week I did learn that I uncle.

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