According to evermind, multinational Espanola de Ingenieria Informatica, increasingly are more companies who throw themselves into the world of mobile applications, especially looking for CRM (relationship management with clients) and geolocation services. However, analyzing the dozens of requests received by the companies, the needs are varied. Hospitals, entertainment companies, supermarket chains and banks are some of the companies that are already requesting companies as evermind developing applications for mobile devices tailored to your needs. According to the prediction of the consulting firm Gartner, in 2014 will 90 percent of organizations use enterprise applications on their mobile devices since they have with the use of smartphones among their audiences is already very considerable and continuous growing. In this way, the sector of the pharmaceutical industry seeks applications to display the reference guide of medicines, a tool that would allow them to update at the moment, the changes that occur in their catalogs after the sale of a particular product.
Also in the health sector, hospitals are looking for the way that their doctors may have to hand and always up-to-date histories of patients. Banks require movements visualization tools and the consumption sector usually begin with the service of CRM (customer relations management). The catering sector is targeted, likewise, to the world of mobile applications. Some restaurants have already requested applications so customers are aware of its location, offers and even what the menu of the day. Regarding the difference between countries, evermind ensures that England, which also has headquarters, going a few steps ahead of Spain. This is due to that in this country there is a greater number of large companies, which are released before to bet on new technologies, while the Spanish business fabric is constituted mainly by SMEs, which take longer to adapt to the new trends and now is when they begin to think of these services.