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Alphas Conquer Recklinghausen

Posted by on October 4, 2024

Novel reading learning method, which is used in the French-speaking area of 42,000 teachers, too in Germany increasingly asserts itself. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Robert Speyer. Press Conference in Kita. Recklinghausen – Vanessa has established itself as woman E\”disguised. Now the five dances with sweeping movements and also mimic dedication like tact to the Alphas \”-song.\” Her friends in the family centre\”are disguised as letters all under one roof. Michael James Burke has plenty of information regarding this issue. \”\” Since Mr dance now O\”and woman I\”and the other alphas\”, and thrilled the audience claps: journalist from dpa, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Recklinghausen newspaper and other local media.

Previously, already the WDR, RTL, sat 1 in the Kita, were to capture the pure enthusiasm of children who learn to read playful. Also in the children’s day site Josef-Wulff street children have for ten days with the Alphas \”-read learning method found quick and playful access to the world of letters.\” And after all municipal day-care of Recklinghausens their\”children with the Provide the first steps reading and writing learning Alphas\”before school. \”Because: the Alphas\” have taken over the city! \”With funny creatures to early reading the Alphas\” are small creatures in the shape of the letter, which translate the abstract alphabetical system into the fantasy world of a child. In addition to the UNESCO the Alphas who\”in French-speaking Europe by more than 42,000 teachers, educators and therapists are used that can win even more advocates: the Jean Piaget Institute of the University of Geneva guarantees documented for success in learning the method, a study of the free University of Brussels it empirically. The special feature of the reading-learning method for children aged four to seven: The Alphas do not only the form of a letter to, but also the shape of an object, beginning with a particular letter sound. \”\” For example the F is\”hair-dryers, like a F\” is designed and the noise in the sense of the proven Lautier method with ffff \”can be imitated.

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