Perhaps one of the best options that may have people who seek to ensure both their patrimonial goods and for the people who are part of the family or friends and important is to join an insurance pool. In a consortium of insurance these people can find all the comprehensive care they need to cover many aspects of life that are subject to accidents, disasters, economic crises, health problems, and in general, all those ups and downs that occur in daily life and we can not help even though we would like to do our part to do so. But the reader will ask at this time yQue is perhaps the insurance pool that can provide many benefits to people and they are just recommended for comprehensive coverage to all the difficulties, obstacles and other unexpected and unwanted events that may occur in life? What is a consortium of insurance coverage do you have for people so we can easily know if we know what it is, which explain below. An insurance pool is a large insurance company that brings together an adequate number of companies engaged in the business of insurance of persons in various areas of life. In other words, the insurance pool is the center of a conglomerate of insurance companies that are in charge of each insurance separately from different areas of life and business insurance, but through the consortium offer its customers a complete package of insurance that provides various services to a client without having to hire a multitude of companies to ensure every area of life that interests secure. That is why the insurance pool is usually a large company, which not only offers customers insurance care holistically, in various areas of life, but also tend to have international importance and also have many branches from which serve customers worldwide. The latter guarantees for the member to the consortium the insurance coverage of service wherever that person is, without being limited by space or barriers imposed by the limits of the countries. When this article speaks of integrated care in an insurance pool we are talking about covering various aspects of life of the customer and the insurance pools can offer in a single package to your customer care insurance insurance cover life, car insurance, insurance, real estate, insurance on goods that are not roots but have significant economic value, insurance savings, insurance annuities. The insurance pool may provide additional services that are less related to the insurance field but often customers need, such as annuities, voluntary provisional savings, group insurance, mutual funds, stockbrokers, mortgage loans, consumer loans and even credit cards. For these reasons, joining a consortium of insurance is an alternative that many people looking for there get everything they need in one company without having to mess their paperwork and payments in different places with different companies.