Useful area of the cabin? area of the cabin measured to a height of 1 m above of the floor, disrespecting railings, that is available for passengers and objects during the operation of the elevator. User? Person who makes use of the services of an elevating installation. Nominal speed? Speed of the car for which the equipment was constructed. Plated glass? Set formed for two or more together glue glass blades by means of one has filmed plastic. 1,6 UNITS the adopted units are of the International System of Units? ITSELF This work was born of the necessity to guide of didactic form the professionals of the civil construction, in which they need the installation of elevator in the construction. Diverse problems are evidenced in day-by-day of the workmanships in Brazil, generating an extreme cost, delaying the cronograma of execution of the workmanship and worse, an equipment that will have an irregular functioning during its useful life.
The sector of the civil construction comes each time more searching solutions techniques that provide to a standardization and sequncia of the services of a workmanship, therefore only these studies technician and scientific they will provide better conditions of a bigger competitiveness in the real estate market, through a fast execution and with quality of a workmanship, that is, really to be as a production line, as the too much industries. When delivering a construction that possesss elevator, the engineer receives claims that the elevator presents noises, that not it gives even though or that hand was bought of 2, and this is common in the three first months of full functioning of the building, therefore it is the necessary time so that the equipment goes if adaptando to the conditions of the place and that the preventive maintenance goes occasioning effect. However, when passing these three months, if the conditions of functioning not to improve, already are a signal that had problems during the assembly of the elevator, problems these that could be decided if the team technique of the workmanship had knowledge of the necessary cares so that if it has a good assembly of the elevator. Cares these, that norm NM 207:99? Electric elevators? Requirements of Security of the Passengers prevail, but that for finding that only applies the elevator manufacturers, the constructors do not attempt against for it. Being thus, this work comes in good hour to guide these professionals of the civil construction of simple and didactic form regarding these recommendations techniques, without needing that the team has in the workmanship this norm, therefore is enough this manual so that they can take the solutions more viable and economic techniques for the constructor