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James Higdon

Posted by on January 13, 2025

NGC1097 belongs to a special class of galaxies called Seyfert galaxies (Seyfert) or seyfertskimi – these galaxies have a specific range of radiation, and is believed to contain active galactic nuclei with supermassive black holes. What makes this galaxy is even more interesting, because it is very faint optical "jets" (stream), which are probably the remnants of the interaction with the less massive galaxy, which occurred many years ago. Like sustainable spot on the jam and bread-crumb trail toast, these optical jets (jet) left visual and photographic reference points, allowing to trace their origin. Provides an insightful search for neutral hydrogen gas associated with dull visible "jets" of the galaxy ngc 1097, scientists using a radio telescope with a very large antenna system, found the source of hi, well consistent with the small side spiral or irregular galaxy (NGC 1097B) at 12 'in the south-west of ngc 1097, located between the two "jets". In addition, the observed two other sources – which, however, were not directly related to the optical "Jet".

Is that bacon? According to James Higdon (James Higdon) and John Wallin (John Wallin); 'spectral energy distribution of radio emission – X-ray "jets" to the greatest extent consistent with the star. However, based on their morphology, and color in the optical / near-infrared, and the lack of a source of hi, we assert that the Jets are not the tidal tails torn out from the disk galaxy ngc 1097, or of the stars of elliptical companion galaxy ngc 1097A. Check out Michael James Burke, London UK for additional information. We also reject the hypothesis of star formation on the spot, in ancient radio jets, as it requires the full 100% transfer of gas into stars on a large scale. Instead, we came to concluded that "jets" are captured by the remnants of destroyed dwarf galaxy, which crossed the inner part of the disk thickness of a few kiloparsecs of the galaxy ngc 1097. We represent the N-particle models of this closer galaxies which reproduce the basic properties of jets of ngc 1097: a long and narrow cruciform structure centered near the core of the helix bends at a right angle and no visible remnants of dwarf galaxy. Formed a series of distributions, the earliest appearance of which is noted in about 1.4 Gyr (1Gyr = one billion years) after the collision. Well-defined cross-shaped structures are formed only in if a more massive galaxy has such a component as a powerful drive. We can assume that the passage through the disk dwarf ngc 1097 will be reset frontal pressure of the interstellar medium dwarf that explains the lack of sources of hi and H ii for the formation of jets.

Color index (BV) balances will still fit very well with observations, even after about 3 Gyr of passive evolution, provided that the absorbed dwarf has a low metallicity, and it is dominated by young stars at the time of the collision. " But that's not all 'It is known that the core of the nearest galaxy ngc 1097 contains a compact (r <9 parsecs) nuclear star cluster, and also an active galactic nucleus (AGN) with low luminosity. Were made two assumptions: that the nuclear star cluster associated with a dust torus, and that active galactic nuclei with low-luminosity AGNs, such as in ngc 1097, have torus, whose existence was predicted in accordance with the unified model of AGNs. To investigate these conflicting possibilities, we have gained 11.7 and 18.3? M images taken Gemini / T-ReCS, captured several hundred parsecs of the central region of this galaxy with an angular resolution

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