The creation of a website of property for the virtual sales, can become a very lucrative idea, however much caution is necessary notrato of the customers. Aformatao of the website and the choice of the tools to be used is umatarefa arduous, therefore the website has that to possess a modern and attractive format, providing comfort to the customer to look the aid of a corretorvirtual, that is, the virtual environment has that to generate an easiness in the exchanges deinformaes and a security in the assertividade of the taken choices. Aferramenta of the corrector online, that it consists of one chat in real time, is umatima chance to reach a gamma of customers who are procurandoimveis, or for being of change for the city, or for the convenience of virtual umatendimento, they look for help of an experienced corrector and diposto it aajudara to find the property certain. In the mundovirtual a characteristic that the necessary corrector to have is the agility, therefore cadavez more the customers are more demanding and eager for the fast esclarecimentode its doubts, therefore in this hour the necessary corrector to count on all aagilidade and rapidity in the treatment with the customer. importante also the creation of newsletter, where the corrector keeps seusclientes informed on the new features of the real estate market and on oslanamentos of enterprises. In this newsletter, the information always must serselecionadas with caution, looking for publish interesting subjects eque ' ' prendam' ' the attention of the customer. To prevent the abuse of propagandas, being the same one made of subtle form, that does not take off the focus of the customer, for deixarclaro that its intention is to inform and not of vender through the same one. Narealidade, to newsletter serves as a reminder, it customer not to forget its excellent attendance, and when it to think to emconcretizar the purchase of its property, that you are the first person who eleprocure.