This type of occurrence becomes each more constant time in the real estate market. We, professionals of the branch, are accustomed to participate of these events, therefore we know the values of the market, for quarter and even for streets, what in the ones of the one great possibility to make compatible the interests of purchase or, still, the necessities of the customers with for sale supply or with offers of the market. Such does not occur with the customer, because it does not have the obligation to know the prices of the market, beyond lacking to elements of analysis and same experience to it in real estate businesses. In diverse occasions, the necessity appears to buy a property in one another quarter, that not desired it, becoming it purchase of what it is possible in that occasion, and establishing a step stops later, in another chance, already with more financial power, to arrive it the purchase of the property dreamed in the preference quarter. In many occasions, the preference if of the one in terms of a purchase in the dreamed quarter, however opting itself to one property more cheap, with but one room, what also it represents a step for the future, when will be possible to pass to a greater. Who purchase a property thinks, dreams, desires? we always are hearing this? a definitive property. However, this pretension does not pass of a dream, an utopia, because the life of the people is extremely changeable and its necessities 0 variable.
In the life, it is had that to move because ' ' chefe' ' of the family it was transferred, or because it lost its job, or because it improved of life, or for any another reason. The children grow, adolescents always want to move of quarter, the necessary wife of bigger easinesses to better manage the house and the family, at last, if we will be to enumerate the reasons for which the people if move, we will go to use pages and more pages the life is really changeable and therefore it does not have why to buy the definitive property. In fact, it has property where, for some reason, we are more time liveing of what others. But this does not mean that there we will be forever. Through research, already we obtain to conclude, also, that the average time of housing in proper immovable one is of five the ten years, taking itself in consideration all the possibilities that can motivate eventual changes. The real estate Travassos knows Associates, specialized in the sales of property in the Bar of the Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro.