Frequently, the beginning ones in the study of the Parapsicologia if question regarding the position of this latest science in the universe of the human knowledge. During much time, kept out of society of the context of official science, the Parapsicologia scaled a true mountain of obstacles until being definitively recognized in the science condition. But although this recognition, still today persists errneas ideas regarding the object and of the method of study with respect to the paranormal fenomenologia. In this text, we will approach some of the reasons of these errneas ideas, demonstrating that the position of the Parapsicologia, inside of the human knowledge, is clear and it does not have to be perverted by groups that try to manipulate it. At the beginning We must remember that until the event of Rhine (years 20, of this century) all and any attempt systemize the paranormal experiment was useless: useless, to the times, for not taking in consideration the quantitative aspect; useless, to the times, for the calculations not to be worthy of credibility. This situation frequently moved away serious researchers from the supernatural, antiphysical, extranormal considered phenomenon, at last, all the phenomenon that ran away to the known logical standards. In more remote times, all the paranormal boarding was done for religious ocultistas or. As in it remembers to Alfred Still (‘ to them; ‘ In the Borders of Science and the Parapsicologia’ ‘ , ed.
Ibrasa), the first ones believed that they could manipulate extraphysical forces and direct them for its proper exploitation: while the seconds, although also to believe these superior forces, had always believed that any interference of deuses was a mere concession, which would have to request through offerings and conjuncts. Of these two distinct optics are that the event was approached ‘ ‘ milagroso’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ impossvel’ ‘ or paranormal.