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Serra Island

Posted by on August 12, 2016

Although Alcudia in the North of the island, is still very accessible. The journey time from the airport is only 35 minutes away, which makes this city a great buy a luxury properties in Mallorca golfers than as a challenge will be in his element as the field of golf in Alcudia is the qualification of difficult and is very beautiful. Like much of the island, property Mallorca in Alcudia is not cheap. A big city penthouse will cost in the region of 400,000 homes, while they are still further. In the port of Alcudia, you’ll find a wider range of properties. This is a most tourist part and therefore there are many more flats available more low end. You could purchase a study, for example, that would be perfect for a getaway vacation for less than 100,000.

Also in the North of the island, is the pretty town of Pollenca, at the foot of the Serra de Tramuntana chain. This is a traditional city, which has an excellent market on Saturdays. If you are looking for a real estate in More traditional Mallorca is a good city to take into account. Little more than 3 miles away is the excellent beach in Port de Pollenca.This is quieter than many of the popular beaches of the island, although there are vacation packages to come here, so it is not completely empty! And secondly, by the two tests carried out: one in Drosophila (fruit fly) menalogaster, where a powerful protective effect of these extracts against oxidative damage in vivo, and another, in which researchers at the UCO have tested the effect has shown cytotoxic and derkx (cell death inducer) of these extracts and their majority phenols against the tumor line of human leukemia (HL60). To Anter, these results allow to conclude that extracts from olive leaves and their majority phenols present houses of luxury in Mallorca antioxidant and quimiopreventivas with possible applications, not only therapeutic as a cancer treatment, but also ecological and economic, in what residual biomass refers.

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